The Unbreakable Piñata
October 26, 2023
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October is one of my favorite months of the year. Not only do I start wearing all my favorite sweaters and scarves, but it’s also my birthday month!
These days I keep the celebrations low-key, but growing up it was tradition to have a Halloween-themed family party where everyone would dress up, and we’d have a spooky, silly time.
At those parties, it also became tradition that we would do a piñata every year. My mother, a thrifty, creative lady, would always make the piñata herself … out of an old Avon box. She would jam that thing with candy and duct tape the heck out of it, so that it wasn’t “too easy” to break.
Needless to say, it wasn’t the prettiest piñata, but it was durable. It was like the Fort Knox of piñatas.
Every kid would take their turn: blindfolded, they’d smack away at my mom’s indestructible monster. But it would not burst. Eventually, we’d start getting desperate. The blindfold would be thrown aside and the adults would get in on the action.
One after the other, each adult would beat the living hell out of the piñata with their suppressed Midwestern rage until it finally broke. It was a glorious, epic finale to a crazy candy battle.
I was recently reminiscing about this annual event with my husband. He asked why we didn’t just give up on the piñata from hell. It was a valid question. But then I think about my life as an operator, and I get it.
The harder the challenge, the more rewarding it is when you finally break through. It feels like doing the impossible. Even if it’s just getting through a couple of layers of duct tape to eat some smarties.
Happy Halloween :)
International Ops Fest
Aušrinė Keršanskaitė, is a seasoned operations leader and a Co-Founder of Operations Nation, a community of operations professionals to share advice to help each other grow, and thrive in their careers.
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