Learn to be a better operator with these articles and newsletters
The Tortoise vs the Hare
My family calls me hurricane Ariana. When I get into any project, whether it’s operational or just cleaning the pantry, I diverge into chaos to find the patterns in order to put it all back together again, but better. Kind of like Sherlock’s mind palace.
Documentation. The Necessary Evil
Whether we like it or not, documentation is a vital part of operations. Some call it a necessary evil, but I like to think of it as the most obvious secret weapon for operators.
Dog Days of Business
In a couple of days, our dog Luigi will be turning 4 years old. It makes me reminisce about his first year as a puppy and it was…insane. Puppies are no joke. Their little shark teeth chew on everything.
Applying Coding Principles to Operations
Everyday I either read, talk, or listen to the world discussing the current and potential effects of AI on our workforce, personal lives, and society at large.
Technicolor Egg-Spiration
Growing up, Easter in my family was surrounded by traditions. But my favorite, by far, was coloring Easter eggs. I loved dipping eggs into the colors and seeing what randomness would come out of it. Some were beautiful beyond belief.
3 Ways AI is Changing Operations
Everyday I either read, talk, or listen to the world discussing the current and potential effects of AI on our workforce, personal lives, and society at large.
Mother Nature’s Lesson Plan
For the first time in my adult life, my home has a yard. After living in cities for almost 20 years, this is an incredibly exciting and novel experience for me. Birds chirping. Bunnies bouncing. Stars shining in the night sky. It’s a total thrill.
Two Peas in a Pod
In 2015, I found myself as the Chief Operating Officer of a food startup. It was an incredibly wild ride, where I had to learn how to quickly scale a small business into a national supply chain
Never Say Never
Last fall, I decided to do something daring. I bought a pair of white gym shoes. Now I love the color white. There’s nothing like a crisp white shirt to make you feel like you are rocking adulthood more.